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At the beginning of in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+10Posted:2016-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: at the beginningbeginbegin withto begin withsomething ofget the better ofplanningat that time
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151. He had roamed Queenstown during his lunch hour at the beginning of the week before he could find a roaster for sale.
152. At the beginning of the century it was believed that everything could be understood in terms of continuum mechanics.
153. A similar directive covering public works contracts over £3.5 million is scheduled to come in at the beginning of 1990.
154. At the beginning of this book we observed the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
155. Ground rules Always establish good ground rules at the beginning of each session.
156. At the beginning of each new paragraph she must summon her strength to overcome enormous resistances.
157. My dad joined up at the beginning of the war.
158. The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday, together with the aims and objectives for the shop.
159. The average home loan is now almost triple the £13,000 at the beginning of the Eighties.
160. As indicated at the beginning of this chapter, Gelman's plays treat contemporary social and economic themes in their political context.
161. At the beginning of this thesis, the author guide us to tracing back to the history of lacquer-painting and show that lacquer work had a refulgence history as an important commodity in our country.
162. The blank section of tape at the beginning of a reel of tape.
163. In China, the best operation performance of power capacitor was at the beginning of the 1990s, and the paper-film capacitor was mainly used at that moment.
164. The development of man-made fiber industry was reviewed briefly and its main trend at the beginning of next century was also discussed.
165. As I stated at the beginning of this article, prevention is the best way of avoiding blowback and it's consequences.
166. At the beginning of ninth century, under their king Egbert the West Saxons of defeated the Mercies.
167. Spaces at the beginning of the next line after a line-continuation character are included in the string constant.
168. In reforming and opening at the beginning of begin to do a few " become rich small bright and beautiful bursa " the subentry of and so on, was on a project to enrol the road of business from now on.
169. The descrambler is initialized with a 64-bit Control Word at the beginning of a transport stream packet payload of a selected Packet Identification.
170. The "BARCODE_30" means that for every 30 amino acid residue segment in the protein, a random choice as to the value of the angles for one residue are randomly picked at the beginning of the run.
171. At the beginning of 2008, an infrequent and serious ice cover disaster in the South resulted in bad ice transmission lines, large-scale collapsed tower and long-playing power breakdown.
172. Our legislation stipulates mandatory tender offer system at the beginning of our securities market in the principle of protecting minority shareholders' interest.
173. "De" was endowed with the meaning "moral" at the beginning of Chou Dynasty because of the development of "stare" and was thought as an inner quality that may belong to everybody.
174. Three British officers form a bond as they flee a POW camp at the beginning of World War II.
175. Award prize to year of Baidu recreation boiling point from Spring Festival evening party ceremony, at the beginning of 2009, plum Yan Hongpin frequency is high-key appear.
176. The paleontogical history of the cat can be traced back to the great diversification of mammals in the Paleocene epoch, at the beginning of the Cenozoic era, over 60 million years ago.
177. The Custody Fee will begin to accrue at the beginning of the second calendar month following the initial delivery of Custody Assets to Custodian (the "Fee Accrual Date").
178. Here, the double-asterisk is used to represent zero or more nodes at the beginning of a queue name.
178. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
179. All purchases and sales records will be booked into Purchase Day Book and Sales Day Book respectively and will submit them to you at the beginning of each month.
180. At the end of term I have to take all my things home from college, then I have to take the whole bag of tricks back again at the beginning of the next term .
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